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Web Lounge
    Saturday May 20th, 2000 - Strange bit of trivia revealed! Web Lounge

     I always suspected this but I now have proof that the cover of Radiohead's breakthrough album, 'The Bends', was actually based on an album from the 70's prog-rock band, Henryhead, called 'Get Bent'. 'Get Bent' was a seminal album for Henryhead and many artists point to it as an inspiration for their work. Indeed, 'Get Bent' was the first time that the Irish drinking song genre was succesfully fused with hellenic pan flute riffs. Now you know.


    Thursday May 18th, 2000 - It's raining again Web Lounge

     Not much to say except I've been soooo busy lately that I haven't had time to update the site. I have some good pictures from Algonquin in April that I hope to get up soon but once again that would involve a little spare time. Jay began the walkway last weekend and he has promised me that it will be done for the deck party on the 27th (see coming events). It looks like we're going to have a good turn-out. Other than that all that is going on is waiting for the rain to stop so we can start enjoying the summer. Patios and beer, a marriage made in heaven. Until then...


    May 5th, 2000 - Matthew's Birthday! Web Lounge

     In a great stroke of revisionist history that even Orwell would have approved of I would like to annouce Matthew Ducharme's Birthday!!! We all flew to L.A. to attend his party and got really drunk and took the next dumpster truck back to Canada. What a night!


    Friday March 10th, 2000 - Back from the Keys! Web Lounge

     It was a great trip and my pealing flesh pays tribute to the glorious Florida sun and the fact SPF15 just doesn't seem to phase me. Lisa and I got back on Tuesday and we had an amazing time. Didn't have the digital camera so you'll have to wait a week until I can get the photos back and get them scanned. I'll tell you now that we packed a lot into our 4 day vacation visting Miami, the evergrlades, Key Largo, and Key West in an elegant display of drive-by tourism.
     Key West was absolutely beautiful and the picture to the left is of some of the street performers that perform on the docks before sunset everyday. Temperatures were a steady 28 degrees with it only going down to 20 at night. This place earns its title of "paradise". I prefer to call it "Margaritaville" in honour of the two dollar drinks that accompanied me throughout the trip.


    Saturday February 26th, 2000 - More Misery Web Lounge

     This week has been another lesson in home ownership frustration. Last week I put the final coats of paint in the laundry room, now called the yellow room (come see, you'll understand), and Jay, Lisa and I got the appliance back up and running. Well as soon as that was done doesn't the eavestrough decide that it was bored hanging up on the roof so I would try falling to the ground for a change of pace. Needless to say I have a gaping hole in the back of the house. We did manage to finally fix the leak in the bedroom which has been positively attributed to raccoon activity. In fact, the guy who fixed the problem came face to face with one that was sleeping between mine and Larry's chimney.      Well, better get back to work.


    Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 - Groundhog Day! Web Lounge

     Well yes it's groundhog day and good old Wiarton Willie saw his shadow and predicted another six weeks of winter. You see this really sucks as last weekend the pipes in the basement finally froze once too many times and burst. Luckily Jay, Mike, and Gus where there to help stem the inundation but still we had to gut the utility room and rip up the carpet. This all came only a day before all the current renovations were to be completed!
     Lisa has retired from Architel and will be moving to a new position as HR manager at some "dot com" company. It sounds pretty lucrative so now would be a good time to hit her up for cash. Anyways, nothing more is new. Lisa will be in London this weekend to finally pick a location for the reception and I'll most likely be drywalling.


    Friday January 7th, 2000 - First Week of the Millenium Web Lounge

     Hello All! Well we managed to make it through last week's party and the three days of clean-up that arose from the affair. Big thanks go out to all that attended and really big thanks go to Lynn and Brian who brought all the costumes and the suitcase full of liquor.
     All in all it really doesn't feel any different than the old millenium except for the fact that all my cheques are now out of date. I will try and get all the pictures from the party put together soon but for now they are still sitting in the DEC31 directory. I picked this little gem on the right from pictures taken later in the evening. These two swingers rang in the new year with traditional flare. Later.


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What's New

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Upcoming Events

December 31st - New Years Eve party at the Brookside Manor
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Current Poll

If you were the Pope and one of your Bishops was being really bad would you...
scold the bishop?
fire the bishop?
shoot the bishop?
flog the bishop?
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