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Welcome to the 2002
Diary Archives
April to June

Mom, and Dad, and Kate

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    June 23rd, 2002 - A trip to Bayfield and Grand Bend. Web Lounge

The Gang      We packed up Kate and took her to her Grandparents trailer in Bayfield for some R&R. The next day we were invited to go boating with Greg and Lori in Grand-Bend so we couldn't say no to that!. Here are some pictures from the trailer and from the boat.


    June 21st, 2002 - Lori's 30th Birthday Party. Web Lounge

B-Day Cake      Today was Lori's 30th birthday so we drove out to St. Marys to attend her surprise birthday party. Lori has a lot of family I observed.


    June 16th, 2002 - Deck Party. Web Lounge

Amanda, Dave, and Kate      This weekend was our annual deck party, unfortunately it poured so we had to stay indoors. Still, we had some good company and some good food.


    June 14th, 2002 - Matthew Convocates. Web Lounge

Matthew      Yesterday we met the Ducharme clan in Waterloo to celebrate Matthew's convocation. Dr. Dave treated us to a very nice meal and we took some pictures. Congratulations Matt, now go get a good job so you can support me and my lavish tastes.


    June 10th, 2002 - Katherine is 3 months old! Web Lounge

Kate      Kate turned 3 months on the 6th so here are some pictures of our little princess.


    June 7th, 2002 - Spring in Algonquin. Web Lounge

Lisa and Kate      We decided to take up a last minute opportunity to go up north to our usual haunt for a couple of days of R&R. This would be Kate's first time up north as well. The gods didn't smile on us as the baby contracted roseola, Lisa got bitten to death by black flys, and it rained. Oh well, maybe next time.


    May 27th, 2002 - Katherine's Christening. Web Lounge

Kate gets wet      Yesterday was Katherine's Christening and it was a beautiful day for the event. Thanks to all who could attend, you made it a very special day for the three of us. Click on the thumbnail for some more picutres.


    May 25th, 2002 - Andrew's McAllister's Stag. Web Lounge

Marc?      On Saturday we celebrated the upcoming wedding of Melon by giving him booze, in the well honed tradition of Sigma Nu. Mike put on a great day for all of us and even though the weather didn't participate, everyone had a great time. Thanks Mike. Click on the picture to see some snaps from the day.


    May 4, 2002 - Katherine goes hiking. Web Lounge

The Family      Katherine joined her friend Hanna for a little hike out by Milton. To be honest, mom did all of the walking but Katherine showed her enthusiasm by sleeping for most of the trek. I think we will have her canoeing and spelunking before you know it.


    May 1, 2002 - Katherine's Latest Pics! Web Lounge

Katherine      Katherine is soon to be a 2-month old so I thought I would post some pictures of our little girl.


    April 18, 2002 - Katherine attends her first Wine and Cheese! Web Lounge

Katherine in Pram      Last Sunday we attended a Wine and Cheese up in Newmarket for the Rotary club up there. We brought Katherine along and as you can see from the picture, after a couple of glasses of chardonnay shes flat on her back. We later went back to the Bulger's place to have some dinner and celebrate Wayne's birthday. Click on the picture to see more snaps from the day.


    April 16, 2002 - Marc and Sue's Euchre Party! Web Lounge

I am Canadian      Here are some pictures from last Saturday's Euchre party at Marc and Sue's place way up in Bolton. Lisa did very well almost winning the whole tournament where I almost came in last.


    April 4, 2002 - Katherine Is Four Weeks Old! Web Lounge

Kate in Chair      Katherine had her four-week check up today and weighed in at a whopping 10 pounds, 4 ounces.



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