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October 2003 to December 2003

    December 31, 2003 - Odds and Ends

Kate leaving Home      Kate had some problems adjusting to the new baby. This all came to a head this week when she packed up her toys in her case, mumbled "hasta la vista, baby", and walked out the door.

     Here are some miscellaneous pictures from December 2003.


    December 26, 2003 - Christmas in Toronto

Grandpa and Kate     Not knowing when Kieran was to be born, we had scheduled to have Ducharme Christmas in Toronto so as Lisa wouldn't have to travel in her last week of her pregnancy. Well suprises happen and Lisa ended up gving birth 9 days early so we decided to continue with "Plan A" and have Christmas at our house anyhow. Here are some pictures from Christmas morning.


    December 20, 2003 - Kieran Comes Home

Kate and Kieran      After being barred from the hospital due to flu precautions, Kate and I were finally allowed to take Mommy and the new baby home. Kieran immediately sensed the relaxed atmosphere that pervades everyday life in the Brookside Manor and slept.


    December 19, 2003 - Kieran is born!

Kieran Michael Cullen      I'm pleased to annouce the birth of the newest Cullen in the family, Kieran Michael. Kieran was born on December 18th at 00:26 in the morning, and weighed in at 8lb, 3 oz. Lisa had a very short labour which didn't allow for an epidural, nor a doctor, but things went very well all the same . Everyone is now home and Mom and Kieran are doing great. Kate is realising that the baby is probably staying but she is still a bit "out of sorts" with not being the centre of attention anymore. C'est la vie Katherine.


    December 14, 2003 - Cullen Christmas

Kate with presents      An early Christmas this year for the Cullen family as Lisa cannot travel too far being so near term. Granny and Grandad did a great job of making Katherine feel like it was the real thing and she loved all her presents. Here are some pictures.



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