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January to June 2004

    June 18th, 2004 - Kieran is Six Months Old!

Kieran      It's hard to believe that Kieran is six months old now. He has pretty much mastered sitting and is already eating three meals a day! He also had his first photo session last month and was a natural.


    June 5th, 2004 - Visiting Aunt Heather

Street Sign in Kingston      We took a quick overnight trip to Kingston to visit Heather. We had a lovely dinner at the infamous Chez Piggy and a tour of Queen's campus on Saturday, and on Sunday we took a trip to Old Fort Henry. The main attraction for Kate seemed to be the goat (no joke, they always had a goat around as a mascot). Also of note, was this street sign. I wonder what happens on Thursdays between 1am and 7am?


    May 30th, 2004 - Trip to The Zoo

The Lions      The weather was lovely on May 30th so we took our first trip to the Zoo. While Kate was intrigued by the animals her favourite exhibit was a pond in the African pavillon - just like home only bigger!


    May 16th, 2004 - Kate Learns to Ride A Bike

Kate      Kate's Granny bought her a spiffy bike for her second birthday and now that it is spring and the snow is gone (finally!), she wanted to give her new wheels a test ride. She seems to have got pedalling down but hasn't quite mastered steering so her Dad gave her a hand.


    April 10th, 2004 - Kieran's Baptism

Kieran      Last week was Kieran's Baptism in London. We decided to hold it in London as my Dad was too ill to travel to Toronto, but as it turned out he was too ill to travel to the church as well. Here are some pictures from the day and while there seems to be more pictures of Kate than Kieran, it was really his day. Honestly.


    March 18th, 2004 - Kieran is Three Months Old!

Kieran and Owen      Just a quick update on our growing boy! He is smiling, laughing and growing like a weed! He is now 15 pounds and 25 inches long. He and his cousin Owen are becoming the best of buddies (here they are hanging out together). There are also some really good pics of Kieran and his sister.


    March 6th, 2004 - Kate's Second Birthday!

Kate!     Today we celebrated Kate's second birthday. We had about 30 people show up, so Kate had lots of people, big and small, to play with. I recall someone say, after witnessing the carnage of 12 two-year-olds run around your house, "man, I'd never want to run a day-care". I agree.



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