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January to June 2007

    June 25, 2007 - Summer is Here!

Cowboy Kieran June proved to be a busy month...we had our first official pool party on the 2nd. The weather was beautiful and all the guests had a great time...Madeleine Booth stole the show with her broad wide grin and her delighted "I'm swimming". Marianne's wedding shower was also ths month with the wedding date set for August 4th. It was also the 3rd annual Kidzapalooza at the booth cottage.


    May 25, 2007 - Soccer Season is Upon Us

Kate Playing Soccer Kate joined the Etobicoke Soccer League and this is serious soccer folks...twenty under five soccer teams on one field playing at the same time and shin pads are mandatory. Our little Kate scored a goal in her first official soccer game and was quite pleased with herself (as was her mommy). We also got the pool open with relatively no excitement, although we will miss the ducks.


    April 8, 2007 - It's Easter!

Kieran Easter proved to be plentiful for the Cullen Kids this year with visit from the Easter Bunny at Nursery School, JK, Reading Program, Grandma's and Granny's. Chocolate was a plenty but the real hit was the "Spidy" sunglasses bestowed on Kieran by the bunny. Other highlights this month was a kid-free trip to Algonquin (and yes, geocashing was involved), the return of the ducks to the pool and our first 'pool-party' time more than just the ducks will be swimming.


    March 11, 2007 - Kate is Five

Kate Turns Five! Kate has been celebrating her birthday all week with a small intimate gathering of the four of us on the 6th...she got to pick out dinner, eat the biggest cupcake and pick the move; she had two birthday well wishes at her two respective schools and then held a big batch today for her 8 closest friends and respctively siblings (and mother's in most cases). The theme was dinasaurs with a dinosaur egg hunt, cookie decorating (so the hungry dinosaurs could eat) and a fossil finding contest in the kitchen floor (seriously). The other highlight this week was the loss of Kate's two bottom teeth..she is getting to be a big girl! Here are some pics.


    January 28, 2007 - Welcome to 2007

Kieran Eating Smarties As last year was not a year for website entries, the resolution for 2007 is a monthly update. 2006 was a busy year with new jobs, new schools for both kids, and a new house. We moved on November 30th with the annual open house following two weeks later, Kieran's birthday party and then a very busy Christmas in London. January has been yet another busy month both work-wise and social-wise with the 'Brookside Dinner Club' kick up last night with a splendid dinner put on by Andrew. The snow also finally came this month and Kate has found a love for 'sledding', while Kieran on the other hand, would rather eat Smarties.



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Oct 12
- Paul Bedard´s Birthday - Age 39 and holding
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- Michelle Bedard´s Birthday - Age 39 and holding
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- Declan Young´s Birthday - Age 23
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- John Rocchetta´s Birthday - Age 39 and holding
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- Lucas Young´s Birthday - Age 25
Nov 5
- Colleen Dean´s Birthday - Age 21
Nov 11
- Dave Ducharme´s Birthday - Age 39 and holding