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July to December 2007

    December 2, 2007 - First Snow of 2007

Kate and Kieran We woke up this morning to about 12 centimetres of the best packing snow (and the most snow) both Kate and Kieran have ever seen. The afternoon was filled with snow angels, snow balls and a big snowman building party at the Sagredo's.


    December 1, 2007 - Kieran is Four (well almost)!

The Cake We celebrated Kieran's birthday abit early this year with a big birthday bash that started with 21 of his closest friends at Kidsports, followed by a big brithday feast at home with family and friends.


    November 11, 2007 - Happy 65th!

The Cake Well, we did it again! Fifteen years ago the 'Ducharme Kids threw a smashing surprise birthday party for Mom and Dad where 50 of their closest friends came trick or treating on Hallowe'en night all dressed in custome to celebrate their 50th birthday. This year, we surprised them again with a wine and cheese to toast them on their 65th. Here are some pics.


    October 31, 2007 - Hallowe'en on Wingrove Hill

Pochantas This was our first Halloween on Wingrove Hill and the kids caught up with about eight other neighbourhood kids for the festivities. Kate was Pocchantas this year in a special costome made care of Granny. As for Kieran, we actually got him out this year, and while he did not wear his Spiderman costume we did get his Spiderman shirt and coat on him...nest year he says he will dress up for sure!


    October 30, 2007 - It Was A Beautiful Fall

The Hay Ride Fall seemed to be an extension of summer this year, complete with beautiful sunny days, warm walks in echo valley, swimming right up until Thanksgiving and a big yard full of leaves for jumping in leaf piles and leaf fights. We also took a memorable trip to the farm with the Bulgers complete with hay ride, baby kittens, and a corn maze. Here are some of our best fall pics.

September 2007
October 2007


    September 8, 2007 - Second Annual Family Party

The Cousins It was the second annual Ducharme/Cullen Summer Party, this year held at the Cullen's. Fun was had by all, particularly Kieran who discovered the diving board. The cousins (big and small) had a great time and got along famously!


    August 20, 2007 - Back from Tobermory

Kate and Kieran on Lion's Head Beach We have just come back from our 6th annual cottage trip to Tobermory. This year our friend's the McKabb's and Canie's were up again to entertain the Cullen's so geocaching was once again a favourite activity. We (including the kids) also got in some kayaking, canoeing, mountain-biking, hiking, swimming and of course plenty of star-gazing and a few meals of whitefish and chips...hmm hmm good! Here are some pics.


    August 4, 2007 - Marianne and Sean Get Married

The Happy Couplee This weekend the youngest of the Bedard cousin's got married in a lovely ceremony at St. Ursula's in Chatham, Ontario followed by a reception at the golf course that holds fond memories for all of us of Grandma Bedard.. many birthday brunches were had there for our Grandma Grace. The bride and groom were only surpassed by the adorable flower girl (Sean's cousin) and the dashing flower boy (Marianne's neice and one of Kate and Kieran's favourite cousins).


    July 31, 2007 - It's Definitely Pool Season!

In the Pool with Auntie July was the month of the pool...both Kate and Kieran have become avid swimmers who can spend hours in the water. Kate has mastered swimming full laps and jumping off the diving board and Kieran has taken to diving for rings, alhtough the water-wings make that abit of a challenge. I took a couple of weeks off to enjoy the pool myself and also got in some camping, a trip to the Science Centre (and yes, the ball that makes your hair stand on end is still there and as popular as ever), a couple of bonfires in the backyard, and some quality time with the kids. Here are a bunch of pics.



Upcoming Events

Oct 12
- Paul Bedard´s Birthday - Age 39 and holding
Oct 18
- Michelle Bedard´s Birthday - Age 39 and holding
Oct 21
- Declan Young´s Birthday - Age 23
Oct 28
- Johnthan´s Birthday - Age 27
Oct 31
- John Rocchetta´s Birthday - Age 39 and holding
Nov 2
- Lucas Young´s Birthday - Age 25
Nov 5
- Colleen Dean´s Birthday - Age 21
Nov 11
- Dave Ducharme´s Birthday - Age 39 and holding