BC 2000

August 7th - Bunnies, Beaconhill, and Big Big Whales
Whale Watching

    After missing an oportunity last year to see whales in Newfoundland, Lisa and I were determined to see some whales on the west coast. We headed out early in the day in a zodiac with a local marine veternarian and volunteer wildlife guide. We went out into the straight of Juan de Fuca to link up with a resident pod of killer whales. This pod doesn't migrate and stays near the straight all year round which makes it pretty much a sure thing that you are going to see whales on any trip. The only drawback was the shear number of boats watching the whales and you couldn't help thinking that we were somehow doing damage to the whales with our presence.

Beacon Hill

    Beacon hill in Victoria marks 'Mile 0' for the Trans-Canada highway. From this point there's no way but east.


    At the University of Victoria there are feral rabbits running around which I thought was really neat. I asked a girl at the University what the deal was with the rabbits and she just shrugged and said they've always been there. I see she wasn't a bunny lover. When Lisa and I returned from dinner later that night, I remember looking across the green in the darkness and seeing all these long ears silhouetted against the glow of the city.

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